New undiagnosed Autoimmune disease.. who's this?
Prior to seeing our RE we had a total of at least 3 known chemical pregnancies. WHY? If we only knew. Could it have been because of a high DNA fragmentation rate in the sperm? Would love to know, unfortunately Dan decided not to follow up because Liam was conceived. Could it be due to my Thyroid anti-bodies being high? MAYBE. So many questions and no answers. One thing I do know is that we were tested for everything under the sun or so we thought. I was tested for multiple Autoimmune disorders, but one that I should have been. It is so wild to me to think why this one wasn't tested for (IGg & Transglutaminase). Maybe the fact that I mentioned I was afraid I had a gluten intolerance, but no one believed I had Celiacs disease as my symptoms were so "mild". Guess what.. I have Celiacs Disease for at least 6+ years. Undiagnosed Celiacs Disease can lead to recurrent miscarriages and infertility. WOW! Paying all this money to try and conceive a baby with science and it could have failed multiple times because I wasn't a strict gluten free person because I didn't actually fully understand all that it entailed. ONE crumb, you know like ONE sperm is all it takes. ONE crumb that is gluten-filled can cause my body to attack itself. I had so much inflammation in my body that it makes Liam an even bigger miracle. We have had at least one chemical Pregnancy since Liam. Anyways, I finally had a doctor listen to me and said, "why not its a simple blood test. Let's test you!" So- everyone was shocked to find out how high my levels were. I cried and felt like I was going to starve. Don't worry I am doing well as a strict gluten free Celiac and not starving. Since September 2019, I know have Celiacs Disease in addition to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (Hypothyroidism). Having these two together is extremely common and most women that develop Hashimoto's go on to develop CD.
What does this mean for me and our infertility trek? Well, I have heard by my GI specialist that I will be so fertile once I am strict GF. Newsflash- we had multiple concerns. Hopefully then this increases our changes every month and maybe my body will stop rejecting each tiny miracle. This is another bump in the road or another twist on the infertility roller coaster, but nothing that will stop us from hoping to complete our family however that may happen. We are grateful every day for being blessed with Brielle, Liam and all that we have been through.
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